How can employers become involved with Job Quest?


There are a number of opportunities for employers to be involved with Job Quest.

Hire a Job Quest client
You can work with us to hire a client from Job Quest. Job Quest ensures success by supporting people who are ready and willing to work. We pre-screen our clients to determine their suitability to the job and the working environment.

Provide interview experience to our clients
An important part of our work with clients is preparing them for job interviews. ‘Mock interviews’ with real community employers offer invaluable learning opportunities both for our clients and the employers who volunteer to assist them.

Provide on-the-job training opportunities to our clients
If you don’t have a position available for a person supported by Job Quest, you can still participate by offering our clients the opportunity to gain work experience through an unpaid placement.

Take part in our annual program evaluation
Each year, we carry out an survey of our clients to ask them what they think of Job Quest’s services. We use the results to these surveys to measure the success of our services and to make changes and improvements to our program.

Of course, we welcome your feedback any time. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.