AccessON is the Government of Ontario’s website that offers free tools and resources to help organizations meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
Adult Education services are available through the Trillium Lakelands District School Board.
Canadian Association of Professionals with Disabilities is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to maximizing the inclusion, job retention and advancement of current and future professionals with disabilities. It includes a website on which employers can post career opportunities for these professionals
Canadian Careers provides resources to help job seekers to decide on and pursue a job or career.
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation & Work (CCRW) offers a wide range of programs to assist employers hire and support their employees with disabilities. They include:
- WORKink providing employers with tools, articles, and interactive features to help them recruit, hire, and retain people with disabilities.
- Workplace Essential Skills Partnership (WESP), designed to provide job seekers with the necessary tools to be competitive in today’s job market. The program allows employers to recruit and pre-screen qualified candidates, and to access the CCRW’s Job Accommodation Service.
- Skills Training Partnership (STP), designed to assist employers in developing training programs to prepare qualified job seekers for employment.
- Disability Awareness Series, a comprehensive program that presents diversity concepts to employers who wish to create inclusive work environments for their employees with disabilities.
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) features excellent workplace and mental health resources. They have a number of other programs that might be of interest to employers as well; choose National Programs on their website menu. Click here to visit our local CMHA’s website.
Career Edge is a national, not-for-profit service provider that connects multi-sector businesses with qualified graduates with disabilities through paid internship programs.
CERP provides a forum to explore issues, share and create solutions relating to employment strategies.
COPIAN features extensive literacy resources and tools for people with learning disabilities and those who support them.
Eluta provides in-depth, country-wide information to help job seekers compete in today’s labour market.
Employers’ Toolkit:Making Ontario Workplaces Accessible to People with Disabilities was developed to assist Ontario employers in meeting the employment standard requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. It contains practical advice on everything from sourcing talent through recruitment and selection, accommodations, return to work, and retention. In addition, the Toolkit features profiles of Ontario businesses and organizations that have already started the journey to becoming more accessible and inclusive to people with disabilities.
Employment & Social Development Canada offers an online, searchable Job Bank to which employers can post job openings, along with other employment related information.
Employment Planning & Counselling Peterborough provides employment and recruitment information, resources and services for students, job seekers and employers.
Government of Ontario’s page of resources for people with disabilities provides links to government programs and resources in the areas of health, employment, financial help and more.
Job Accommodation Network is a leading U.S. source of guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. The website includes many resources and tools, including a searchable online accommodation database and an A to Z of listing of disabilities and accommodations.
Job Search & Recruitment Sites with an Emphasis on Inclusion & Diversity
Job Search Sites – You may be interested in these online articles.
Job Quest helps people experiencing employment barriers to find and keep a good job. We do this by working closely with both the person looking to work and employers looking to hire, matching the needs and strengths of both. Job Quest is a division of Community Living Trent Highlands.
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC) offers resources and information for job seekers with learning disabilities and their employers. You can also check out the provincial office in Peterborough. You can also check out the provincial branch.
Mental Health Works provides employers with resources around how to talk with employees about mental health problems, as well as tools to make workplaces more mentally healthy and psychologically safe. Includes sections on hiring and accommodating employees with mental health disabilities.
Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities offers information and services for students, job seekers, employers, employees and those interested in apprenticeship.
Myths about Hiring Persons with Disabilities is a great document tackling the many myths around hiring people with disabilities with accurate facts and figures.
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Employment Supports Application takes you directly to the downloadable versions of ODSP’s Employment Supports application and related documents. For general information about ODSP employment supports, click here.
Ontario Internship Program is a paid, two-year, entry-level employment opportunity that offers opportunities across the Ontario Public Service.
Ontario March of Dimes offers employment services free of charge and works with employers to develop job descriptions, screen candidates, conduct interviews, and provide job training for people with disabilities.
Ontario WorkInfoNet offers career planning, learning and employment information for job seekers – including those with disabilities – and employers.
Ontario Works (also known as social assistance or welfare) provides information about applying for their income assistance and the employment services. The City of Kawartha Lakes website includes additional information about accessing Ontario Works in this region.
Opportunities for Youth links to several provincial initiatives for youth, with a focus on assisting young people to access the information, skills, experience and abilities they need to move into the world of work.
Opportunities Fund assists persons with disabilities to prepare for and obtain employment or self-employment as well as to develop the skills necessary to maintain that new employment.
Student Aid and Information Planning helps post-secondary students to save, plan and pay for their education. Information on the website is provided for students, parents and school advisors.
Training & Careers Canada features training and career information and resources for workers.
Trillium Lakelands District School Board, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board and Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Separate School Board are the school boards serving the City of Kawartha Lakes area.
VCCS Employment Services assists job seekers to find employment in the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Workink provides employment and recruitment information and services for job seekers with disabilities, employers and professionals who are helping their clients to find meaningful, lasting employment. Workink is hosted by the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW).