Teresa Jordan’s Blog: Pick Up Those Shiny Pebbles

This week’s message from our Executive Director Teresa Jordan is now online. Check it out on her blog, UltimateInclusion.com. You can find past blog posts there as well.

Continue reading “Teresa Jordan’s Blog: Pick Up Those Shiny Pebbles”

The Latest Issue of our E-Bulletin is Online: Lots of great photos & news!

The latest issue of our e-bulletin just launched. Be sure to check it out for all of our latest news and a load of awesome photos.

Our 2023 2024 Annual Report is now online

Our annual report is now online. Access it on the Reports, Plans & Reviews page of our website (About Us, Publications) or click here.

September is #FASDMonth: Raising awareness about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

September is FASD Awareness Month in Canada, which is devoted to raising awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder with the goal of improving prevention, diagnosis and support services. Continue reading “September is #FASDMonth: Raising awareness about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder”