Introducing: Cathy Darlington, Assistant, Community Homes

Looking for a career filled with passion and joy? Why not consider developmental services? Cathy has been with us for for 10 years, working her way up to a position that she loves. “Each day that I come to work I am greeted by energetic people who love nothing more than to join a virtual dance party, work on an art project or do some baking to celebrate a special occasion. Whatever we do is approached with nothing short of full-on enthusiasm. If you want to be part of a dynamic workplace, this is the place to be.” 

Read Cathy’s full Champions profile here.


Our 2023 2024 Annual Report is now online

Our annual report is now online. Access it on the Reports, Plans & Reviews page of our website (About Us, Publications) or click here.

Introducing: Joan Moriarty, Life Share Coordinator

Considering a career change? Why not consider developmental services? Joan, who has been with us for more than 16 years tells us, “I’ve been in human services since I went back to college in 1991 for my Development Service Worker (DSW) diploma. After my first semester I began working relief, gaining hours while I studied in the field. From day one I knew I had chosen the right career path. I love my job.” Read Joan’s full Champions profile here.


Introducing: Will Robertson, Assistant Support Worker, Community Homes

Will’s career journey took many twists and turns before he found his way to our doors. After working in water haulage, health care, fast food and on the front lines of the restaurant business he found himself feeling like a square peg in the proverbial round hole when it came to his work. Read Will’s full Champion’s profile at

Introducing: Jessica Bushey, Coordinator, Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Jessica began working for Community Living while studying for her psychology degree at Trent University. Her initial position, part-time support worker in our Community Homes program, was the perfect match for Jessica. It allowed her to bring in some extra income and go to school, while not feeling overloaded. Read Jessica’s full Champions profile at